Shapes Made of Living Fog logo in white letters with gray fog abstract background

Farmers of considerable importance capturing the pulse of our time — a suspension of reality in the shape of living fog. An artistic manifestation about image, word, and sound of the present and of/for the future.

The Exhibition


August 10, 2024, at 5:00 pm, at Côa Museum.

Opening performance

August 10, 2024, at 6:30 pm.

Works in exhibition

From August 10 to November 10, 2024.

Conversation with the Artists

November 10, 2024 (to be confirmed).

SHAPES MADE OF LIVING FOG is a visual arts project grounded in contemporary printmaking. Its content includes an exhibition designed for the temporary exhibition rooms of the Côa Museum, promoting an intervention/connection with the interior architectural space and the exterior landscape, through sculptural works and large-scale xylographic installations (wood matrices and their prints) created by printmakers Samuel Ornelas and Ana Torrie, accompanied by sound design co-created with composer and harpist Angélica Salvi and actress and director Sara Barros Leitão, along with a live performance on the opening day and an open conversation with all the project artists on the closing day.

Note from the Artists

We have inherited existence in a game of colorful spots and engravings on rocks, apparitions, the most varied images of our rooted passages. It’s as if these images already belonged to us or were waiting for us to turn them into light again. These are images that emerge and are attributed meanings as we immerse ourselves in time. They never cease to reveal. It is interesting to notice in this revelation the potential to be “discovered” in light and darkness, where luminosity sometimes hides, and darkness sometimes reveals—our existence. These projections constructed by intersecting lines, carved on a surface, also reveal the location of our dreams. These natural orders, perhaps, are what led us to this encounter. Far from a merely visual, common approach, we presume that the engravings born in this project intend the intersection of artistic expressions in the symbiosis of the wills and voices of a premeditated past and future, intertwining us in a “time capsule,” present, now!

The sound design, authored by Angélica Salvi, harpist and composer, and Sara Barros Leitão, author and actress, establishes a conceptual link between the exhibition SHAPES MADE OF LIVING FOG and the pedestrian route between the city of Vila Nova de Foz Côa and the Côa Museum. The sound piece has a duration corresponding to this walk and is available in digital format right here on the project’s website, with open access to the public. It can also be accessed through a QR Code at exhibition room inside the museum and at the starting (Fonte Nova) and finishing (Museum’s viewpoint next to the Olive Tree) points of the proposed route [Google Maps].

We encourage the public to walk from the city center to the museum, in an immersive experience accompanied by the sound design prepared by the authors. We recommend using headphones connected to your mobile phone. During the opening of the temporary exhibition (August 10), the artists will be performing an excerpt from the work.

Although the piece is presented as independent from the other works on display, it was conceived in dialogue with them. Rooted in the ideas of walking and landscape, it aims to create a connection between space, viewer/listener, and time. It is a unique and dematerialized artistic object, which can be listened to in different contexts and geographies. In this way, the inspirations of this place, its heritage, and the surrounding nature can be experienced anywhere in the world, at any time. We hope that the intermittent points of light from the past and present keep remaining and spreading, and that Foz Côa and its cultural heritage can reach its descendants.



  • Samuel Ornelas


  • Ana Torrie
  • Sara Barros Leitão
  • Angélica Salvi

Creative assistance

  • Diogo Nogueira
  • Marta Pinto Ribeiro


  • Turbina Associação Cultural
  • Júlio Moreira

Production assistance

  • Samuel Ornelas

Works in exhibition

  • Samuel Ornelas
  • Ana Torrie

Sound piece and opening performance

  • Angélica Salvi
  • Sara Barros Leitão

Recording and production – sound design

  • Alexandre Soares

Mastering – sound design

  • Miguel Pinheiro Marques

Lighting Design

  • Mariana Figueroa


  • André Cruz Studio

Website, video and audio description

  • Yvens Giacomini

Instagram, translation and text review

  • Diogo Nogueira


  • João Pádua
  • Yvens Giacomini
  • Júlio Moreira


  • Ana Torrie
  • Lina de Albuquerque
  • Samuel Ornelas
  • Marta Pinto Ribeiro


  • Lina de Albuquerque


  • Samuel Ornelas
  • António Quaresma
  • Ana Torrie
  • Diogo Nogueira
  • Júlio Moreira
  • Yvens Giacomini
  • Frederic Figueiredo
  • Pedro Pinto
  • Museu do Côa


  • DGArtes
  • Fundação Côa Parque
  • Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Foz Côa
  • Casa da Imagem – Fundação Manuel Leão

Host and support

  • Fundação Côa Parque


  • Frederic Figueiredo
  • Maria Amélia Azevedo
  • Marta Pinto Ribeiro
  • Atelier Guilhotina


  • Téia Campos
  • José António Tenente
  • Joana Valdez-Tullett
  • José Emídio
  • Inês Azevedo
  • Joana Mateus
  • Dalila Correia
  • Carlos Pinheiro e Clube de Desenho
  • César Guedes
  • Cristiana Bastos
  • Maria Marcos
  • Luís Silva
  • Tomás Dias
  • Adriana Oliveira
  • Carla Pinto
  • Aurora dos Campos
  • Maria Pinheiro
  • Kosmo Atelier
  • Marco Pereira
  • Teatro Palmilha Dentada
  • Líquen Audiovisual
  • Jorge Guerra e Paz
A imagem contém vários logotipos de instituições e organizações em um fundo azul. No topo, está escrito "Apoios". Abaixo, há uma série de logotipos organizados em linhas: Primeira linha: - República Portuguesa - Cultura - Direção-Geral das Artes (DGArtes) - Fundação Côa Parque Segunda linha: - República Portuguesa - Cultura - República Portuguesa - Ambiente e Energia - República Portuguesa - Economia - República Portuguesa - Educação, Ciência e Inovação Terceira linha: - Foz Côa - Vila Nova - Turismo de Portugal - Casa da Imagem - Fundação Manuel Leão Na parte inferior, há duas seções: - Produção: Turbina - Colaboração: Atelier Guilhotina Os logotipos são todos em branco, contrastando com o fundo preto.